Sunday, February 17, 2008

Gourmet Burger Grill

What's in a name? Or, rather, what's in a nickname?

A nickname indicates familiarity, or affection.

I've had a lifelong disdain for the makeover that my grandmother gave my name. Christened "Camille Elizabeth", a parental decision which I have always appreciated, my grandmother called me "Cammie Liz". I had to let her get away with it. But just anyone else try it, and watch out!

It was important to name my children nickname-free names: Claire, Gina. Our third is Mary Teresa, at the insistance of my husband. I love her name, but I find even myself calling her "M.T.", and I could probably make up a hundred more nicknames from those two words if I had to.

Nicknames are not all bad, though. They can be a sign of affection. My sister and I, both born in the wrong decade, have shortened Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra to a simple "Dean and Frank". She and I know immediately know who were talking about when we talk about Frank. Then, we break into a can-can chorus of "New York, New York".

Such is the case with the Gourmet Burger Grill. Although it is aptly named, in our appreciation for this fantastic new San Antonio restaurant, we've nicknamed it simply, "GBG". A dangerous thing to do when talking to someone who hasn't been there - such a vague moniker could mean anything - "Care to eat at Garbage Bin Gunk tonight, anyone?"

Thankfully, the GBG we know and love is exactly the opposite.

It is certainly gourmet - Angus beef, sweet-potato fries, twenty-six sauces, thirteen kinds of cheese. Oh, yes, they carry American and cheddar, but have you ever asked for a lettuce-wrapped burger with feta cheese and basil garlic aioli? Or, a tropical burger with mango avocado salsa? Well, you could ask for it at GBG.

But, traditionalists, have no fear - a regular, old-fashioned bacon cheeseburger is a main menu staple.

I almost always skip the menu, though, and just look at the specials board. This is where the owner becomes an artist, continually creating something new and tempting. Yesterday, I didn't hesitate when I saw the word "Caprese" on the board. My delicious burger came with buffalo mozzerella, tomatoes, fresh basil, and balsamic vinegar.

The only speciality I haven't seen yet is an unusual Maui staple, which is a cheeseburger with an egg fried on top of it. But, if I were inclined to order it, the owner would, no doubt, whip one up for me.

The restaurant is small, and always busy, but the staff seems to have a special talent for magically rearranging tables to accomodate everyone.

Hurry to try what will soon become a San Antonio favorite. GBG has everything going for it - quality, selection, affordability, creativity, and it could no doubt become the flagship for a major new brand. Come say that you ate at the original.

(Update - May 2008 - We just celebrated Mother's Day at GBG, and they didn't charge any moms to eat! They are going to do the same with Father's Day - dads get a free hamburger. They will be doing something similar for veterans later in the year, but I do not have a date yet. I will keep you posted.)

Gourmet Burger Grill
18414 US Hwy 281 N Suite 116 @ The Legacy ,San Antonio, Texas. 78259
Tel.(210) 545 3800 Fax. (210) 545-5529
Visit the Gourmet Burger Grill Website!